Welcome in our onlineshop
We are glad to welcome you in our online shop for railway modelling.You can find fully assembled model trains and train sets, construction and accessories kits, electronics for railway modelling (digital and analogue), specials tools as well as other material for enthusiastic railway modellers (e.g. profiles/sight rails, sheets, engines).
Enjoy browsing through our web portal – we look forward to serving the Model Railway Community.
Despite corona - we ship without restrictions
You can be sure, that under the current conditions we will do everything possible to process your orders and orders as smoothly as possible.
Minimum order value 12,00 EUR
Please note, that we can process your order from a value of 12.- EUR
Hersteller/ Lieferanten
Tillig 04642 Diesellok BR 103 (ex. V 36) der DR, Ep. IV, Spur TT
161,50 €
Tillig 02236 - TT Dampflokomotive BR 56.20 der DR, Ep. III, Spur TT
257,95 €
Tillig 02929- H0m Schmalspur Dampflokomotive 99 0234-7 der DR, Ep.IV, H0m
469,95 €
Tillig 02950 - H0e Schmalspur Triebwagen VT 133 522, DR, Epoche III , Spurweite 9mm
230,95 €
Tillig 04344 - TT - E-Lok 143 161-8, DR, Epoche V
188,50 €
Tillig 70054 - H0 Triebwagen VT 135 + Beiwagen VB 140, DR, Ep.III, Spur H0
265,90 €
Tillig Bahnpostwagen Post me-bll/24,2 der DP, Epoche IV Spur H0
50,50 €
Tillig 76692 - H0 Güterzugpackwagen der KSächsStsEB, Ep.I, Spur H0
32,50 €
Tillig 76695 H0 Offener Güterwagen Omu 93 der DB, Spur H0
297,90 €
Tillig 83230 - TT Dreiwegeweiche, Spur TT
45,90 €